Ciara Leahy

1-Ciara Leahy-CO070-034

15th century tower house pictured from the south/east facing walls. Located in the Carrigaphooca townland, the five-storey castle has many defense features identifiable.
The remains of multiple bartizans are found on top of the NE and SW corners of the tower house. The east-facing wall presents many windows with the purpose of lighting the spiral staircase that give access to the different floors and garderobe. The tower house itself is positioned on a large mound of rock which is a defensive feature, and a set of steps has recently been installed for access to the castle.

2-Ciara Leahy-CO070-034

Ground floor window of the Carrigaphooca tower house. The south-facing window in this picture has a slight arch with clear evidence of architectural intelligence showing the wattle and daub-type material used to strengthen the window frame, with horizontally-placed slabs to thicken the structure.

3-Ciara Leahy-CO069-017

Gort an Acra/Rahoonagh West Clapper bridge pictured from the NW looking SE the clapper bridge lies on the river Douglas.

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Penitential station pictured from the south, showing a mound, covered in sod, which is known to be St Gobnait’s grave. It is a station in the pilgrimage of St Gobnait and is marked with pilgrim crosses. There is a flat stone on the south-facing side for those who wish to kneel and pray as a part of their pilgrimage.

5-Ciara Leahy-CO069-013

Stone circle, located in the Carrigaphooca townland. Pictured from the south. Approximately 5.5 meters in diameter, it is no longer completely standing. Three stones still standing suggest an original diameter of at least 5.5 meters.

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