James Hickey

1-James Hickey-CO070-034.Viewed March 2nd 2024.
15th century towerhouse in townland of Carrig an Phúca.
5 stories with main door facing to north. East facing side has several windows, most heavily defended side. A steep slop upwards towards east side of tower. Towerhouse just north of Sullane river.

2-James Hickey-CO070-035.
Viewed March 2nd 2024.
Stone circle a few miles north east of towerhouse, in same townland. 3 stones survive.

3-James Hickey-CO069-017
Viewed March 2nd 2024.
Clapper Bridge in townland of Rahoonagh West. One of 6 in Cork with majority of Muskerry area.

4-James Hickey-CO058-034004
Viewed March 2nd 2024.
Reputed burial site of St Gobnait facing in southerly direction in Glebe townland. Flat slab for kneeling and bullaun stone on each side of grave. Burial area within a much larger complex, includes the ruins of an old Catholic church, a modern Church of Ireland church as well as modern graveyard. Site of rounds of prayers.

5-James Hickey-CO08-034009
St Gobnaits well. Part of larger complex above. South of Gobnaits grave Last stop on rounds.

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