Giulia Castellani

1- Giulia Castellani- CO070-034

Site name: Carrigaphooca Castle

SMR number: CO070-034

Viewing direction: NE facing point

Date: 02/03/2024

Description: Situated on a steep rock outcrop, this five-storey rectangular tower has been built straight on the rock crop, lacking proper foundations. Probably built around 1436, this tower house is a fine example of split stone masonry without the addition of any complex decorative features. The entrance was positioned on the North wall with a staircase developing starting from the West wall.

2- Giulia Castellani- CO058-034007

Site name: Saint Gobnait church

SMR number: CO058-034007

Viewing direction: SE facing point

Date: 02/03/2024

Description: Located near the East end of the graveyard, St. Gobnait’s church was expanded on its East side in a later period, transforming the old wall into a slightly off-centre arch. On this arch is possible to see a very worn human head projecting itself towards the audience. This head, also known as the ‘thief head’, was probably an evidence of the existence of a previous romanesque church, beside being a symbol of the church’s relations with folklore.

3- Giulia Castellani- CO069-013

Site name: Gort an Imill stone circle

SMR number: CO069-013

Viewing direction: W facing point

Date: 02/03/2024

Description: Stone circle located in a boggy mountain land, with its two portal stones located approximately at 219° SW. Composed of what on site seemed twelve stones, one has fallen and one could have been added later in time. Inside this stone circle it is possible to spot a quartz stone.

4- Giulia Castellani- CO069-017

Site name: Clapper Bridge

SMR number: CO069-017

Viewing direction: S facing point

Date: 02/03/2024

Description: Composed of eleven slabs for an overall measurement of 19m in length, this clapper bridge is found in Rahoonagh West crossing the Douglas river. Some of the South-East slabs have fallen into the river.

5- Giulia Castellani- CO058-034007

Site name: Saint Gobnait church

SMR number: CO058-034007

Viewing direction: NW facing point

Date: 02/03/2024

Description: Situated near the east end of the graveyard, St. Gobnait’s church consists of a nave lit by simple slit windows near the West and South wall and by a pair of opposite windows. On the inside of the North and South walls it is possible to see little openings that could have been used as cupboards or as crevices to return the blood and body of Christ back to the earth.

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