Deon Smith

1-Deon Smith-CO070-034

This photograph is of a five-story tower house situated in Carrigaphooca in Cork County. The photograph was taken on the east side of the tower house looking up at its position on a rock outcropping which is natural for the area. This angle of the castle shows its dominating position in the landscape as well as its bartizan which faces outward towards the open countryside. The photo was taken on the 2nd of March 2023 at 10:35 am.

2-Deon smith-CO056-034008

This photograph shows the carving of a woman exposing her privates which is situated on the South side of church CO058-034007, these are called Sheela na gig and what is interesting about this photo is that the block in which it was cut into belonged to another building and was removed and placed in its current location. Both for possibly the carving or the ogee design. The photo was taken on the 2nd of March 2023 at 15:15 pm.

3-Deon Smith-CO058-034007

The photograph taken here is the western face of the church of St Gobnet and it was built as a parish church for the saint covenant which is linked to a legend of the area. The structure takes a very stereotypical morphology and is akin to any other parish church in the area, although it can be seen that it is possibly built from stone from multiple structures, since some of the window heads have carved ogee blocks which are out of place along with a series of nonuniform coursework.The photo was taken on the 2nd of March 2023 at 15:34 pm.

4-Deon Smith-CO069-017

The picture here shows the reconstruction of a later medieval clapper bridge which by using 11 flat stones has made a passing over a natural ford. It was a part of both the ancient landscape as well as the recent community as people would use this point to cross over until a storm had toppled part of the bridge over, although the excavation and subsequent reconstruction have brought it back to its former position.The photo was taken on the 2nd of March 2023 at 12:40 pm.

5-Deon Smith-CO069-013

This is a photograph looking down on the south of the stone circle in the Douglas river valley. The monument consists of 11 stones with a stone of quarts inside the circle. The monument looks over the landscape since it is situated high on a hill. The location of the monument is boggy in nature which made traversing up to the monument difficult. The photo was taken on the 2nd of March 2023 at 12:17 pm.

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