Danielle Purcell

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Visited on 02-03-2024, photograph 1 shows a north-facing view of the south wall of Carrigaphooca castle located in the Carrigaphooca town-land 100 metres north of the Sullane River. The 5 story tower house is built upon a rock outcrop of red/ purple limestone. The south wall has 7 windows, the largest of which is on the fifth floor, a garderobe located at the bottom left corner of the wall, and a machicolation or bartisan at the top left corner directly above the garderobe, which continues onto the west-facing wall. A drip stone is placed beneath the window on the fifth floor for drainage. Projecting stone corbels on the roof level acted as a walkway for a platform or allure that was used for patrol along the castle walls.

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Visited on 02-03-2024 photograph 2 was taken facing south-east and shows the north wall and a partial view of the west wall of Carrigaphooca castle, as well as the partial remains of the bawn wall survived only along the north-west side of the castle. The north wall contains the entrance to the castle which is accessible by a flight of stone stairs. Two bartisans are present in the photograph, one on the top left corner of the north wall, and the other on the top right corner of the west wall which is a continuation of the previous machicolation on the south wall.

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Visited on 02-03-2024, photograph 3 shows a north-facing view of a stone circle located 300 metres northwest of the Sullane River in the Carrigaphooca town-land. Originally only 3 stones survived and from that an estimated 5.5 metre diameter was established for the stone circle.

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Visited on 02-03-2024, photograph 4 was taken facing the south and shows the west of St. Gobnait’s church which is located on the northern side of the Ballyvourney graveyard. The church is located within the Glebe town-land and is a small Neo-gothic church built in 1824 and features embattled towers on the western side of the church.

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Visited on 02-03-2024, photograph 5 was taken facing north and shows St. Gobnait’s holy well which is located 60 metres south of the Ballyvourney graveyard, within the Glebe town-land, and marks the final stage of the pilgrimage. Associated with the holy well is a bile or a sacred tree, located to the left-hand side to the opening of the well, in which ribbons are attached to its branches by pilgrims and offerings are left for the saint.

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