Jude Mc Crossan

1-Jude Mc Crossan- CO070-034

Monument Type: Castle / Tower House

SMR: CO070-034

Viewing Direction: S facing N

Date: 2/3/2024

Carrigaphooca Castle/Tower house situated north of the river Sullane positioned on a steep rock outcrop. This was the castle of the Mac Carthys of Drishane built around the 15th century. It consists of five storeys and shows defensive features from the positioning of the building being at a height along with the battering shown as the base of the castle widens out. There is also what seems to be bartizans on the NE and SW corners of the top of the castle which could suggest a possible defensive use.

2-Jude Mc Crossan-CO069-017

Monument Type: Clapper Bridge

SMR: CO069-017

Viewing Direction: N facing S

Date: 2/3/2024

This clapper bridge is one of the few in the country as they are very uncommon in Ireland. They are a stepping stone structure with the function to cross a body of water, this one crossing the river douglas. It is made up of eleven slabs with some at the end and are found around Ireland but more commonly found in the west of England. These ancient stones were erected around the medieval period in most cases.

3-Jude Mc Crossan-CO069-013

Monument Type: Stone Circle

SMR: CO069-013

Viewing Direction: E facing W

Date: 2/3/2024

This stone circle is located on the top of a rocky hill and is part of the cork kerry stone circle complex which is related to the bronze period. The stone circle is made up of eleven stones, nine surrounding two in the middle This photo is taken from the East facing the West. You can see that there is a noticeable distance between the two stones at the front which may show that they are the portal stones where the entrance is. This is also evident in the position as it faces east and would catch the sunlight the best.

4-Jude Mc Crossan-CO069-013

Monument Type: Stone Circle

SMR: CO069-013

Viewing Direction: E facing W

Date: 2/3/2024

This photo is from the previous Gort An Imill Standing stones and is two quartz rocks in the middle this gives insight to a possible use for the standing stone. This use being ritualistic, possibly for the worship of the sun and moon. Quartz holds ritualistic and spiritual value in many different cultures. Many stone circles and sites in Ireland have a relation to the movement of the sun and moon. Another more famous example of this being NewGrange in county meath renown for its celestial importance.

5-Jude Mc Crossan-CO058-034008

Monument Type: Possible Sheela-na-gig

SMR: CO058-034008

Viewing Direction: S facing N

Date: 2/3/2024

This possible sheela-na-gig is on the south facing wall of nave at Ballyvourney church immediately above the chamfer of the window. It is not a confirmed Sheela-na-gig but does have one of the key features which was the crossing of the arms and being a possible female figure.

1-Jude Mc Crossan- CO070-034

2-Jude Mc Crossan-CO069-017

3-Jude Mc Crossan-CO069-013

4-Jude Mc Crossan-CO069-013

5-Jude Mc Crossan-CO058-034008

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